• dreams come true專輯下載    相關企業商業資訊
    1. Skyline7 International Company

      ...ideas that benefits the world.Skyline7 was founded on one simple idea ~ "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is Reality." – John Lennon. It’s ok to dream out loud...we’re listening.

      電話:02-28087135    地址:新北市淡水區中正東路二段29-3號24樓
    2. 舊金山美語

      ...ual environment; hence, we employ the immersion method in our school. Our dream is to recreate, here in Taiwan, the elementary school environment that our children attended. If you have the same belief, passion AND ability, come join us and let’s build that dream together.

      電話:02-22424648    地址:新北市中和區景安路220巷22號1樓
    3. 傑波外語

      This is a place for you to realize your dream. In this company, only ability counts. If you want to be a good teacher, come here. We need a person who is really interested in teaching and learning. Join us!

      電話:07-7669898    地址:高雄市鳳山區新康街257號
    4. 薰國際音樂唱片有限公司

      ...007 絕對是商品導向的時代。2008除了發行自家藝人2張國語專輯外.其餘皆為其他唱片公司製作之國台語專輯.也在2006年至上海設立分公司並考察了大陸市場及開拓大陸數位下載 sp市場.屆時.2008年回台成立薰國際創意影音(swing creative...

      電話:02-25819575    地址:台北市士林區中正路611號8樓
    5. 酷點科技股份有限公司

      於2003年5 月成立,立足高雄,放眼世界!帶著對科技的熱情與專業,還有對「酷點子」的夢想,努力構思且實現我們的idea!我們實現的酷點子,讓您也能 ideas come true!

      電話:07-5562076    地址:高雄市左營區大順一路91號9樓之5

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